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Tamilian Street

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 Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...)

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Surya's Angel
Surya's Angel

Féminin Nombre de messages : 1876
Age : 48
Localisation : Paris
Date d'inscription : 17/05/2007

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Empty
MessageSujet: Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...)   Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Icon_minitimeDim 27 Juil - 19:40

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) 732416 Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) 732416 Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) 732416 Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) 732416 Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) 732416 Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) 732416

Alors la je sens que je vais trépigner d'impatience pour voir ce film!!!!

Le grand retour de Nandita DAS et apparemment dans un film qui m'a l'air extrêmement touchant

Quelques images histoire de s'en mettre plein les yeux

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Ramcha10

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Ramcha11

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Ramcha12

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Ramcha13

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Ramcha14

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Ramcha15

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Ramcha16

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Ramcha17

Ramchand Pakistani (Nandita DAS...) Ramcha18

L'histoire :
Citation :
Ramchand Pakistani is derived from a true story concerning the accidental crossing of the Pakistan-Indian border during a period (June 2002) of extreme, war-like tension between the two countries by two members of a Pakistani Hindu family belonging to the 'untouchable' (Dalit) caste, and the extraordinary consequences of this unintended action upon the lives of a woman, a man, and their son.

The singular theme of the film is how a child from Pakistan aged eight years learns to cope with the trauma of forced separation from his mother while being held prisoner, along with his father in the jail of a country i.e. India, which is hostile to his own, while on the other side of the border, the wife-mother, devastated by their sudden disappearance builds a new chapter of her life, by her solitary struggle for sheer survival.

The film portrays the lives of a family that is at the bottom of a discriminatory religious ladder and an insensitive social system, which is nevertheless tolerant, inclusive and pluralist. The irony is compounded by the fact that such a family becomes hostage to the acrimonious political relationship between two neighbor-states poised on the brink of war.

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